Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Unnecessarily Cruel


This post is way way waaaaaaaaaay overdue.  Like two months over-due, so 10Bis - my apologies, you deserve better.

So I clearly had no idea how good I had it till now.

I recently moved jobs, and with this, lunch providers.

I am now a Cibus-ite, and I feel it is only correct to get down on my knees and beg forgiveness of 10bis. If only I had known what a terrible, un-user-friendly, and buggy website Cibus has...I likely would have been much kinder to the 10bis staff - who clearly care much more about their client's user experience.

Below are some screenshots, so you can witness the horror firsthand.

First off, if we want to talk horror - the Cibus website only works with Internet Explorer and Netscape! Yes, you heard correctly NET-FRIGGIN-SCAPE! (Those of you born after 1994 likely have no idea what this compound word means or represents.  I'm sure you understand both words individually - but lumped together...what could this mean?! It's a circa 1993 browser that died even before AIM and ICQ - may it RIP).  A guy in our office uses a Mac - and he hasn't eaten since he got here.  He's literally dying of malnutrition as I write this.  It's a really sad and unfortunate story.

What's more - just when you thought you couldn't find more frames within frames within frames - LO AND BEHOLD.  More frames!  And they're all this dark loop of death - where if you accidentally click on one link - there's NO GOING BACK.  AAAAAHHHHH.

The Superfluous Double Login

The Grotesque UI

And once you click on one of the restaurants - there's also no going back.  There are also restaurants that have NO MENU!!! WTF?!

Overall Experience: -3 
1. All of the restaurants are infinitely closer and the food takes longer to arrive.
2. The UI is the saddest and worst excuse for coding I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing in this lifetime.
3. They don't EVEN GET what's wrong with the website - i.e. shitty customer service that relegates the problem in an Apple-esque manner (minus the cutting edge technology) - "there must be something wrong WITH YOU!".  

It really gives me paroxysms.  And not the good kind.