Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I decided - in order to organize matters a bit - to label my posts more systematically.

So starting from this post - you'll know what you're in for.


Pinati, it turns out, is above good business sense.  While I have fond memories, and a deep love for their kubeh chamusta - I must say their overall strategic business plan is quite lacking.

I get the whole office (i.e. the whole part of the office that actually listened when I spoke - approximately four individuals) in a Pinati frenzy.  As we come to order I notice, to my dismay, that hummus is not offered as a side to their lunch deal (and how can you eat kebabs without hummus?!).

Assuming this is a minor oversight, as hummus is indeeed priced the same as the other side dish options, I ask them (of course expecting none other than a cooperative reply) - to allow me to order hummus instead of another side dish option.  Our conversation (as with all conversations - this is slightly paraphrased):

Me:  Hi, I see that the website doesn't have hummus as a side for the lunch deal - can I just put it in the comments area?
Pinati Manager:  I'm sorry, company policy doesn't allow this. 
Me: But it's the same price as the other side dishes.
Pinati Manager:  Again, sorry.
Me:  You're aware that all of your competitors do provide this option, and they're cheaper.
PM: Yes, we don't care.
Me:  If I cancel, we're all going to cancel - would you rather lose 120 NIS, than 12 NIS?
PM: Yes.
Me:  Suit yourself.

And we cancelled the order.

The VERDICT:  Priced four NIS higher than Abu Muchta (חומוס פול אבו מוך) and Hummus Sayid (חומוס סעיד)+ unaccomodating = poor business sense and wholly unlikable.

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