Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am the cause of global warming...

Spoiler alert...this post is NOT PC.

I know that there's the whole "don't buy from China - their factories are destroying the world" camp - and although I do experience a tinge of guilt every time I purchase a new pitchefke (what's the singular of pitchefkes?) on eBay, knowing full well I am perpetuating and contributing to all of the world's woes...really how can you fight the force? (And isn't it better to live one less day with one more piece of junk you don't really need?!)

They sell all these cute and stupid little knick knacks for .99 cents and free have to have a will of steel to decline such a steal.

Besides - I like to consider it a sort of charity...while I am well aware that the Chinaman working in the factory is likely receiving .99 cents a month for their efforts - if I weren't supporting this venture...wouldn't he clearly be out of a job?!

Steals of the week:

1) In Chinglish - "Lift the Vegetables Tool" - aka - Supermarket Bag Holder (how ingenious is this one?! Supersal would make millions off of this one in Tel Aviv! They'll probably charge 32 NIS for it though...)

2) LED Headlamp (for that off-chance that I ever get around to spelunking)

3) Laptop lock (for the spouse's all-too-often miluim - yes he takes a laptop to miluim - and no, I'm not telling you where he serves...)

I really don't understand how this pricing model works for these companies...but dare I complain?


  1. Try They have amazing things, for free shipping, and cheap prices :)

  2. Holy sh*** - Deal Extreme reads my blog!! I love that website - the only reason I published that comment. Also, good stuff for a great price...:-)

  3. YOU are Hysterical, this blog is a true gem in an internet full of glitzy and crappy posts!
    Genius author! I want your digital autograph before Obama declares a state of Alert that America is sinking and the bald eagles are dying and Republicans are eating little children!! (something is flooded indeed, flooded with Bullshit!!!)


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